• sapfofest@gmail.com
  • Lithuania

Rainbow Bridge

Have you ever felt misunderstood by your partner? Would you like to improve your connection, strengthen your relationship?

During the workshop, we will learn:

  • How can you really hear your partner and build a deeper connection without drama?
  • How to communicate effectively without conflict and reach compromises?
  • How can we reconcile expectations peacefully and respectfully and avoid misunderstandings?
  • How to strengthen your relationship without losing yourself?

During the workshop, you will take part in interactive exercises in groups, exchange experiences, receive feedback and support. You will learn useful tools and techniques that you can apply in your own relationships.

The workshop is aimed at:

  • Those who want to learn how to communicate more effectively and experience less conflict.
  • Those seeking a deeper connection with their partner.
  • Those who want to build strong and lasting relationships.

Let us meet and learn from each other!

People's minds are like parachutes, functioning while open 😉

Who: Diana Spučytė (coaching specialist, ICF)

When: Saturday, 27 July, 13:30 - 15:00.

Where: White Tent

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