• sapfofest@gmail.com
  • Lithuania


You sense a gentle tingling in the tips of your toes. Let out a sigh. It seems like every cell sighs with you, every muscle tenses up and then stretches, your shoulders relax before you realize how much tension they were holding in. Your skin comes to life, your hairs wake up, with a wet tongue, you lick your slightly parted lips, you feel the freshness of inhaled air filling your chest. Close your eyes. Thousands of falling stars twinkle under your heavy eyelids - they will soon fulfill your wishes...

Sapfo fest 2024 invites you...
...to feel
...to give
...to share
...to create


The festival is FREE and only possible with your support. We invite you to contribute here..

All donations will be used for the organization of Sapfo Fest - the infrastructure & equipment, hygiene, the program and related travels, and many more invisible details that create a pleasant environment at the festival.

Sapfo is an independent, non-commercial, community-initiated festival providing a much needed collaborative and grounding environment for building tents and queer-feminist community in Lithuania and beyond since 2014. Featuring critical reflection, debate and community self-care, Sapfo Festival seeks to mobilize queer-feminists in the pursuit of solidarity, emancipation and social change!

Sapfo Fest is FREE – there are no tickets or other charges.
Sapfo Festival is ACCESSIBLE – we are trying as much as we can to create inclusive space for everybody. If you have individual needs or want to consult us regarding festival conditions, please get in touch.
Sapfo Festival is INDEPENDENT – fully sustained by the community without any help from institutions. Festival is based on do-it-together principles: we are all creators and participants.


The festival takes place in a homestead called Saugus Atstumas. The Sapfo team is constantly improving this space, and together with the community operating (in) it, we allocate part of your donations to improve the infrastructure.

All activities will be translated to English/Lithuanian.

You can find more information in the Facebook event and in Sapfo Facebook account.